notosh insights

Here, we distil and share what we learn through our work with over 1,000 schools in 70 countries.


Whether you lead by position, influence or both, find advice, opinions and experience – some from the NoTosh team, some from your peers.

Learning and Teaching

Discover insights and ideas on these messy but noble practices.

Space Design

Look into, and out of, places designed to support and encourage people to learn, work and play.


This is what sets you apart – our crafted and curated advice will keep you company on your journey.


The communication secrets of the world's great school teams

Consistent and inspiring inquiry-based learning for STEM

Consistent and inspiring inquiry-based learning for STEM

St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School & McAuley Community School, South Australia

The transition from primary to secondary school can be tough. What happens when the primary school and secondary school are about to drop their separate identities and merge onto one community campus?

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What works in STEM?

What works in STEM?

Department of Education South Australia

The most important indicator of success for a new STEM learning environment is the coherence of the community’s vision for their new space, according to NoTosh's independent study into STEM success.

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Design Thinking To Inspire Ambition

Sydney Catholic Education Office

Our design thinking for learning framework and practices have a profound impact on student agency and confidence that leads to improvements in performance

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The NoTosh approach to strategic planning

The NoTosh approach to strategic planning

Strategic Planning with NoTosh is always achieved through a collaborative community process. We create strategies that don't need to get 'buy in' - they already have it from the start.

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What's the purpose of curriculum?

What's the purpose of curriculum?


An introduction to our paper on the purpose of curriculum in Scotland

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Designing Learning Spaces

Designing Learning Spaces

An overview of how we design spaces differently

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Find your North Star: Defining Values for Change

Find your North Star: Defining Values for Change

Ottawa Jewish Community School, Canada

By rethinking their purpose and direction with us, this Ottawa school improved the experience of every student and increased engagement with the whole community.

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Hitting the Refresh Button: Mission & Values that grow a school

Hitting the Refresh Button: Mission & Values that grow a school

The American School of Warsaw, Poland

The Board wanted to implement a new strategy. But first, they needed our help to review the values upon which the school had been founded – values perhaps no longer reflective of the community it served.

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