Designing Learning Spaces
Why design a learning environment based on what’s worked in the past? Instead, we set out to discover what learning experience people are trying to create, and how space could help them achieve that quicker, better.
When a school or university has a chance to upgrade and renovate learning spaces, or start from scratch with a fresh build, there is an opportunity to do more than just make things look different, shiny and new.
Alongside educators, leaders and students themselves, learning spaces are a key partner in developing incredible learning experiences.
But unless we involve students, educators and leaders in reimagining the kind of learning experience they want, spaces will always underperform at supporting their dreams.
Our team is known for its skill in questioning and listening. Our award-winning educator staff can gently push ambitions, and create a compelling shared vision of what the learning experience of tomorrow will look like.
We can connect people better, instead of designing each space separately and sitting back on assumptions based on other institutions about what “good learning” looks like.
We can support the growth of learning and teaching practices, and explore where learning outside the classroom can thrive.
And we can create a space that acts as a hub in the region, a place of pedagogical, student and learning leadership.
Learning audits help us understand how people teach today, what the learning experience feels like, and how space helps and hinders the educational vision of the organisation.
Dear Architect is our documentation process that captures recommendations for how space can be redesigned, and offers a clear sense of priorities for planning.
A Facilities Masterplan represents a major opportunity for a school or university to see the environment match their ambitions and quality of learning.
NoTosh and our architectural partners revel in co-designing aspirational masterplans, innovative concept designs and ideas that are authentic for the people in the community. The authenticity comes from deeply understanding your educational goals, the need for a sustainable approach to developing the campus over time, and the strategic vision of the school.
Above all, we look forward to designing spaces for learning that celebrate the cultural context of your host country while also encompassing your global outlook.