Testing article 3, good title here works
“At Channel 4, I became fascinated by the strategies and tactics that my creative colleagues used to create imaginative and truly engaging digital services for young people.”
The passionate and energising tour de force behind NoTosh, Ewan leads client projects around the world and is a pioneer of design thinking for learning in the classroom. A highly-regarded keynote speaker and host, he marries intense preparatory work, dynamic presentation skills and a natural capacity to listen, shining a light on the best stories that delegates and participants have to share.
As a high school teacher of French and German in Scotland, Ewan began to look for new ways to help his students engage with his subject. With a strong belief that technology was both critical to this, and underused in the classroom, his classes became among the first in Europe to podcast and blog as part of their daily learning.
If I understand you correctly, you want to "highlight" your search query in the results. Your own Twig filter would be the cleanest way to do this, but you don't need to write one. Beware of putting too much logic in your templates, but this would also work nicely, using the native